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First off, I want. to say eating to survive was my main motive for switching to a more plant-based and alkaline diet. Ever since I was 18 or 19, I started getting sick frequently. It only increased as I got older and more sensitive to skincare products and food alike.

I discovered places like co-ops and organic grocery stores around the age of 19 in desperate need of change, growth and physical relief. Once I did that, my life changed forever.

I started reading labels carefully for when I did the big chop on my hair and also for when I would buy food. I started taking vitamins daily. I also started writing grocery lists and cooking more at home which was a blessing and money saver.

It wasn’t easy taking this route as sometimes it can be a bit pricier and not as accessible for everyone. It also requires a lot of discipline, but it is doable! If I was able to change my diet from fast food and eating whatever junk food that was placed in front of me to this more holistic approach, so can you!

I will list some tips on how to transition and without breaking the bank:

  • Don’t go cold turkey! Switch your diet slowly by replacing something healthier for something that you use to consume.
  • Trader Joe’s has more affordable health items and so do Farmers Markets! Also some of your co-ops are pretty affordable.
  • Always write a list of things you need so you don’t go over your budget. Sometimes we shop with our eyes rather than our rationality.
  • Buy smaller proportions of food so it doesn’t go bad. I make the mistake of doing this and end up wasting money.
  • Also think of frozen fruits and veggies as your best friend. They last longer and can be cheaper than the produce section sometimes.
  • Think of this as a gift to yourself for enduring so many years of misinformation which ends up causing damage to our physical, mental and spiritual health. Your mind is a powerful place and you can shift it whenever you want!
  • Reducing meat and dairy intake is on your terms. Consume sparingly with a certain amount of times.
  • Do your research. Eating fully plant-based or alkaline may not be for you. I know it worked for me but I am not fully plant-based or alkaline anymore. There was a point where I only did both on two different occasions and I felt phenomenal. But again I have heard people have negative experiences being plant-based. If you can’t go plant-based or alkaline, I would suggest farm-raised meat.

If you have any suggestions, leave a comment here or on my instagram account @farrahevita.